North Napa Siphon Gate Replacement Project (CIP 21718)

The general scope of work for this project includes removal of three existing hydraulic stop gate frames and replacement with three new corrosion resistant slide gates, removal of three existing manhole frames and covers and replacement with three composite structure frames and covers, and installation of odor control inserts at the existing North Napa Siphon Inlet Structure. The estimated cost of construction is $330,000


Bidding Closed

Prebid Date 1/4/22 3:00pm
Bid Date 1/18/22 2:00pm

Company & Contacts

Karl Ono  


Napa, CA

An optional pre-bid web-meeting will be held at 2:00 pm on January 4, 2022 via the following link:

The pre-bid conference may also be joined by telephone by calling (323) 591-9484.
Conference ID: 804 350 747#.

The estimated cost of construction is $330,000.