2022 Collection System Rehabilitation Project (CIP 21701)
The work for the 2022 Collection System Rehabilitation Project includes mobilization, demobilization, procurement and installation of materials for the rehabilitation of approximately 33,332 LF of sewer main and associated laterals, manholes, and other structures as shown in the Project technical specifications and plans in the bid package. The main rehabilitation will consist of approximately 33,332 LF of cured in place pipe (CIPP).
Plan Holders
Date | Company | Contact |
11/15/21 9:02 am |
Builders Exchange of Santa Clara
400 Reed Street Santa Clara, CA 95050 |
000 Plan Room
Tel: 408-727-4000
11/15/21 8:54 am |
Construction Bidboard, Inc.
11622 El Camino Real # 100 San Diego, CA |
000 Plan Room
Tel: 800-479-5314
11/16/21 11:13 am |
Cratus, Inc.
2178 Palou Avenue San Francisco, CA 94124 |
Michael Kirwan
Tel: 4159392840
11/16/21 12:57 pm |
Express Sewer and Drain Inc.
3300 Fitzgerald Rd Rancho Cordova, CA 95742 |
Mark Werts
CIPP Lining Project Manager
Tel: 5303177872
11/16/21 12:11 pm |
Insituform Technologies, LLC
10260 Matern Place Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 |
Terry Henry
Business Development Manager
Tel: 562-413-1585
11/15/21 8:55 am |
Marin Builders Exchange
660 Las Gallinas Avenue San Rafael, CA 94903 |
000 Plan Room
Tel: 415-462-1220
11/15/21 9:53 am |
Michels Corporation
1715 16th Street SE Salem, OR 97302 |
David Phelps
Tel: 503-364-1199
11/22/21 7:29 am |
Mountain Cascade, Inc.
Aimee Casteel
Bid Coordinator
Tel: 9253738370
Fax: 925-373-0940
11/15/21 8:59 am | Nevada Country Contractors |
Plan Room
Tel: 530-274-1919
11/15/21 1:27 pm |
Nor-Cal Pipeline Services
1875 South River Road West Sacramento, CA 95691 |
Bill Bonney
Director of Estimating
Tel: 9164425400
11/15/21 8:55 am |
North Coast Builders Exchange
1030 Apollo Way Santa Rosa, CA 95407 |
000 Plan Room
Tel: 707-542-9502
11/29/21 9:40 am |
Nu-Line Technologies, LLC
102 Second St Suite B Encinitas, CA 92024 |
Frank Durazo
Tel: 7606345153
Fax: (760) 634-6780
11/16/21 10:42 am |
1776 11TH STREET OAKLAND, CA 94607 |
Tel: 5109860244
Fax: 5109860245
11/15/21 9:02 am |
Peninsula Builders Exchange
735 Industrial Road San Carlos, CA 94070 |
000 Plan Room
Tel: (650) 591-4486
11/15/21 8:58 am |
Placer County Contractor's Association
10656 Industrial Ave Ste. 100 Roseville, CA 95678 |
Plan Room
Tel: 916-771-7229
11/15/21 4:00 pm |
Ranger Pipelines Incorporated
Grace Prendiville
Tel: 4158223700
Fax: 4158223703
11/15/21 8:59 am |
San Francisco Builders Exchange
850 S. Van Ness Ave. San Francisco, CA 94110 |
000 Plan Room
Tel: 415-282-8220
11/15/21 8:55 am |
Shasta Builders Exchange
2990 Innsbruck Drive Redding, CA 96003 |
Plan Room
Tel: 530-221-5556
11/15/21 8:56 am |
Solano-Napa Builders Exchange
135 Camino Dorado Napa, CA 94558 |
Plan Room
Tel: 707-255-2515
11/22/21 7:33 am |
Southwest Pipeline and Trenchless Corp.
22118 S. Vermont Ave. Torrance, CA 90502 |
Rob Bolger
Tel: 3103298717
11/15/21 9:02 am |
Stockton Builder's Exchange
7500 North West Lane Stockton, CA 95210 |
Jan Luna
Tel: 209-478-1005
11/15/21 8:55 am |
Valley Contractors Exchange
951 8th ST. Chico, CA 95928 |
Elizabeth Carter
Tel: 530-343-1994
11/17/21 11:54 am |
Westland Contractors, Inc
3100 E. 10Th Street UNIT A Oakland, CA 94601 |
Neil Hunt
Tel: 5108423663
Fax: 5108423846